Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thai People - Faces of Thailand

On this page we show you thumbnails images from Thai people.

Just go with your mouse over an image, and a bigger picture will be shown completed with some additional information about that specific "Faces of Thailand" picture.

Drying salt in the sunSalt laying on the ground to let it dry in the sun.

Two Thai workers turning salt and letting it dry in the sun.
Very hard work in the heat of the Thai sun, but probably the cheapest
way to get it done as labor is very cheap in Thailand.
Resting on a boatA Thai guide or fisherman just resting on his boat.

A Thai fisherman or tourist guide resting a bit on his boat.
Most Thai fisherman are also a operating as a tourist guide as they
know the local area well and tourists are an easy catch.
Thai royal palace guardA guard from the Royal Grand Palace in Bangkok, Thailand.

A guard from the Royal Grand Palace in Bangkok, Thailand
The guards from the Royal Grand Palace are wearing a white uniform
and a typical helmet with the Royal emblem on the front.
Thai market on the waterA picture of the Thai floating market.

A picture from the floating market in Bangkok, Thailand.
At the floating market in Bangkok all Thai fruits and vegetables but
also various handmade Thai products are traded or sold.
Thai children in school uniformTwo Thai children in school uniform.

Two Thai children, wearing their specific school uniform.
Like many countries in the world and not only limited to Asia, school children wear a uniform,
with the typical style and colors of the school they are going to.
Two Thai women selling on the streetsTwo Thai woman selling food on the streets of Bangkok

A picture from two Thai girls selling food on the streets of Bangkok.
With goods in balanced weight like this it's more easy to transfer them when going for a long
walk from one place to another.
Thai woman sewingAn old Thai woman sewing clothing.

A picture from an old Thai woman sewing clothing.
It looks like her thoughts are somewhere else then sewing clothes.
A thai woman at the floating marketAn old thai woman in her boat at the floating market

An old woman peddling at the floating market in Bangkok, Thailand.
Seeing her face I might assume that she has reached the retirement age already some
time ago, but for some it's working until they die.
A thai girl making small umbrellasA Thai girl making small umbrellas in a factory.

This picture shows a Thai girl making an umbrella in a factory.
In Bangkok there are many small private factories like this one who are producing all kind of
products for the tourists visiting Thailand.
Painting a parasolA Thai girl painting a parasol

A Thai woman who is painting a flower design on a parasol.
Handmade painted parasols like these mostly find it's way to the many tourist shops in
Bangkok, Pattaya, Koh Samui or Phuket Island.
On the way to the floating marketOn the way to floating market in Bangkok, Thailand.

A woman peddling in her small boat with goods to the floating market.
It look like she is bringing salt to the floating market and sell or trade it for vegetables or fruits.
a mobile barbecueIn Bangkok many of these mobile barbecues can be found.

This Thai man is selling roasted chicken on the streets in Bangkok, Thailand.
Like many Thai people its the only way survive as there is no welfare money to depend on.
a local market with many t-shirtsA local Thai market with cheap imitation t-shirts

A Thai market with imitation clothing made in local factories.
Most famous clothing brands are imitated by these local Thai factories, like on the right some
Ferrari racing jackets which cost a small fortune on ebay. (could be the same !!)
a thai boyA Thai boy in school uniform.

A Thai boy in a red colored school uniform.
Looks like he is smelling something.
a thai umbrella girlA Thai girl holding an umbrella

A young Thai girl holding a hand-painted umbrella.
Also this hand painted yellow umbrella has been made in a local factory in Bangkok, Thailand.
two thai dancersTwo Thai dancers waiting for the show to start.

Two Thai ladies wearing a costume from a dancers group.
The left Thai girl is thinking to quit, the right Thai girl has more ambition, seeing their reaction
to the camera.

Thai people are very friendly people and this can be already noticed when a totally stranger is taking a picture from them

like the Thai girl here just above who is holding an hand painted umbrella made in one of the small factories.

Considering that their life is not easy as there is no welfare money to depend on if you have nothing to life from, I might say that even with all struggling they are happy with what they got and you cant say that always from people who have plenty.

The floating market in Bangkok, Thailand is a must see for tourist as its really nice to see how all the trading on the water goes. What can also be noticed in the local markets is the many imitation clothes that are for sale at very low prices.

Be advised that many of these, like the Ferrari jackets seen on one the pictures, are sold on the internet by people who did smuggle them home and what you buy will be a fake jacket made in Thailand.

With prices from about $500 per jacket its not a cheap deal anymore so be advised to know your selling partner source.


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